The Highbury Rhododendron Project 

Joseph Chamberlain was a renowned horticulturalist, his specialities being orchids, herbaceous plants and shrubs. Rhododendrons were extensively planted in the 30 acre grounds at Highbury between 1879 and 1914. Unfortunately, there are no surviving plant lists or labels.

The CHT applied to The Stanley Smith (UK) Horticultural Trust for a grant which would be put towards the cost of carrying out a survey to individually identify and assess the rhododendrons in the grounds and to better understand and manage the plant heritage of the estate. The survey will also include proposals for future planting work (which is subject to new funding).

We are delighted to announce that the Trust granted us £3,000 towards the cost of the rhododendron survey work. The work will be completed by Lear Associates, specialist landscape consultants. The Highbury rhododendron project will deepen our understanding of the Highbury estate and contribute to a significant living heritage asset. This will be an essential aspect of restoring Highbury as a place of learning and leisure for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.

Chamberlain Highbury Trust
Chamberlain Highbury Trust


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